Thursday, November 1, 2012

First Halloween!

Yesterday was Novaley's first halloween! 

Haha! These socks were great!

Here was her first outfit:

I forgot I moved all her Halloween themed clothes in her closet to a different side so for the past few days she's been wearing "regular" now I have about 5 other halloween outfits she needs to wear..which she will be wearing AFTER halloween lol. oh well......

Anyways, Luckily two days ago I figured out what I wanted her to be.........
here's a clue:

A butterfly!! Her name actually means "chasing butterflies" so it was fitting.

I actually wanted her to be a wint-o-green lifesaver since that's my favorite candy lol, but got too lazy about making the whole costume. 
maybe next year! 

Here's a few more pictures from yesterday....

We took about a million family pictures...this was the best we could get lol.

Then after all the pictures she had her bath.....

 It's funny because afterwards her dad always gives her hair a "New Jersey Blow Out" you can see.....

All grown up...

Finally we put her to bed around 10 and she slept until 7 this morning! :)

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